Easts Junior Beasties play in the graded competitions on Sundays

Before you start

Please check below if your age group is still available for registrations.
This page is a guide to assist you through the multi-step registration process. Please read carefully through all instructions for each step before proceeding to any associated links.

Teams OPEN

Teams FULL

Please do not attempt to register if your group is waitlist only.

Please have the following ready to go.

  • A current photo of your child (head shot)
  • Know the height and weight of your child
  • Know the shoe, shorts, and jersey sizes of your child

Once you have all of these handy, proceed with the steps below.

Registration Steps


Register/Retrieve WWC Number (Volunteers)

If you are a Coach, Manager, Assistant Referee or Volunteer you will need to know your Working with Children (WWC) Number. You must have this number before you can complete your registration. To apply for a WWC Number please see this page on the Service NSW website.


Head to Rugby Xplorer to begin registration

Please ensure once again you have all of information listed above. It is best to complete the entire registration process in one sitting.
This is an Australian wide registration system which must be used by all clubs in Australia. When you are ready, open the Rugby Xplorer website. Follow the rest of the steps in this guide carefully as you proceed.


Setup registrations using Rugby Xplorer

Note: Make sure you log in using the email address you previously used for registration otherwise you will need to create a whole new account.

  1. At this point, yours and/or your children's name should appear if they played last season.
  2. If your child is new, or you are registering with a new email, you will be asked to create an account now.
  3. Create the account in your name, as the parent, then add all your children that are intending to play. Before you move on to registering into Beasties, all of your children should be linked to your Rugby AU account.

Enter details using Rugby Xplorer

When you are ready to register, hit Play Rugby, select one child and click NEXT.

Enter the following details for each field.

  • Club Name
    Easts Junior Beasties JRUFC
  • Click NEXT
  • Registration Role
  • Girls Rugby 7s Players: Choose '7s Junior Girls' NOT XV Juniors for Registration Type
  • Registration Type
    XV Juniors
  • Duration
  • Click NEXT
  • Personal Details
    Add in or accept
  • Click NEXT
  • Headshot
    Upload, the headshot must be PUBLIC, so click NOT PRIVATE.
  • Address, Gender
    Fill out, click CONFIRM, then NEXT
  • Emergency Contact
    Add in details, then click NEXT
  • Height & Weight
    Add in details
  • Click NEXT

  • Agree to Rugby AU Terms and Conditions, Click NEXT

    Payment Screen will now appear, prices are as below. Please note there is a credit card surcharge of 2%.

    Click FINISH

    Registration Cost:
    U10-U18: $367

    Please note fees are non-refundable - just like our club fees and insurances. If your child is new to rugby and not sure if they want to play matches, select training only registration which is available for the first 3 weeks of the season only.

If you have more children, or would like to register yourself as a coach, manager, assistant referee, or ground marshal, please repeat this step. Note that registration for all volunteers and coaches is free.


Download the Teamapp (essential)

All Beasties communications are released through a platform called Teamapp.

Please follow the steps below to download and install the app, or if you don't have a smartphone, go to this link to sign up and view the App online.

  1. Download Team App from the App Store or Google Play store (links below).
  2. Sign up to Team App. You will be sent an email to confirm your registration.
  3. Log into the App and search for "Easts Junior Beasties"
  4. Choose your applicable access group(s).

Please ensure you have notifications enabled and are checking the newsfeed regularly. To enable notifications, please see this page.

Download from the App StoreDownload from the App Store


You have now completed the registration process.

Feel free to explore the Rugby Xplorer portal and ensure you and your child(ren) have all the correct details loaded.

If you have any questions or need more help with the process, Greg Anderson, and we will be happy to help!

Interested in helping out the club?
Check out our volunteering page for roles we need to support our players!
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